Cotswold District Council adopts local plan

Cotswold District Council have adopted a Local Plan which sets out the strategic policies to guide development in the borough up to 2031.

The document plans for the delivery of 8,400 homes over the plan, with the largest site allocation for land south of Chesterton, which is intended to accommodate up to 2,350 new homes, 1,800 of which are likely to be completed by 2031.

According to the plan, the site "comprises 120 hectares of predominantly
agricultural land". The local plan also proposes to allocate 23 hectares of class B employment land and safeguards existing employment sites.

Cotswold District Council deputy leader, councillor Nick Parsons said:

"This is the culmination of many years of extremely challenging work by the forward planning team at the council, and I would like to put on record my immense gratitude to them."

"The local plan process is very complex and has involved extensive research, testing, consultation, and revision across a very broad range of issues, sometimes arising from major changes to government legislation along the way".

For further information or to find out more about our Planning Consultancy services, you can contact David Jones here.

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