
The Evans Jones web site has been designed to be as accessible as possible. However, we recognise that accessibility is a subjective experience and therefore we’d like to encourage you to let us know if you encounter any problems using the site. We will take action and respond as quickly as we can.

Accessibility Features

All text and image content used on this web site expand based on your preferred text-size set using your browser’s controls. You can zoom in to the content at any time using your browser font size settings. The layout will stay the same no matter how far you wish to zoom in.

The content of each page in the web site is set out identically as follows:

  1. Evans Jones logo and link to the home page
  2. Links to jump to the main menu or contact information
  3. Site search
  4. ‘Breadcrumb’ links giving your location in the site a
  5. Page title followed by main content of the page
  6. Sub menu with links to other related pages in a particular section
  7. Supplementary content such as the latest web blog articles relating to that page
  8. Main menu
  9. Contact information and links
  10. Links to this access statement and legal information

NB. No breadcrumb links appear on the home page.

If any aspect of the default layout of the site causes you any difficulty, it may be preferable for you to remove all styles completely and adjust your browser settings as you require. Read on for useful links to accessibility help for different operating systems and browsers:

Accessibility Help

Apple Universal Access overview
Information about Apple Mac OS X Tiger operating system accessibility features

Microsoft accessibility
Information about Windows accessibility features

Mozilla Firefox accessibility
Accessibility features of Firefox and links to further information

Opera accessibility
Accessibility features of Opera and with tutorials and help

Internet Explorer 6 Accessibility Tutorials
Tutorials and help for Internet Explorer 6 accessibility features

Disability Rights Commission
Information and help towards a society where all disabled people can participate fully as equal citizens.

Advice and information on all aspects making technology accessible for people with a disability or limiting condition.

Conformance and Law

The web site conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (exceeding priority 2 checkpoints) from the Web Accessibility Initiative – part of the World Wide Web Consortium. In addition, the latest best-practice techniques have also been used where appropriate.

All web sites based in the UK are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that the content is accessible according the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. This web site exceeds that statutory requirement.

Why Design For Accessibility?

Accessible design benefits all users not merely disabled ones. Accessible design means that web sites are easier to use in every respect and better for search engines to index – everyone benefits from accessible web sites.

It is a popular misconception that web accessibility is just about disabled users such as the visually impaired. Not true! It also includes those with equally debilitating conditions such as dyslexia, colour blindness, and mobility / dexterity impairment caused by conditions like arthritis.

In the UK, the Office for National Statistics Labour Force Survey, Winter 2004, suggests that as many as 20% of the working age population have disabilities that accessible web design can help.

In the USA, in 2001 an estimated 19.4% of civilians in the United States, totaling 48.9 million people, have a disability. It is estimated that now somewhere between 10% and 20% of the total browsing population are disabled in some way.

Accessibility Information

Labour Force Survey relating to accessibility, 2004

Individual countries’ policies and legislation relating to web accessibility